![]() Karen Tyrrell is a Brisbane based author who writes and self-publishes books about resilience for adults and children. I met Karen through my writing group Write Links. Karen is visiting my blog today. I was interested in finding out from Karen how she imagined her latest book, Jo-Kin Battles the It, a kid’s space adventure. The book follows Josh Atkins (Jo-Kin) and Sam Jones (Sam-Wich) on their first Super Space Kid mission to save the galaxy from a deadly alien called It. Welcome Karen! Karen, you enjoy writing humorous stories. How have you added humour into Jo-Kin Battles the It? I wrote a hilarious story based around the main character, Josh Atkins super geek and his dotty family. Josh throws himself into challenges but they backfire and go wrong. Jo-Kin’s dad is scared of heights, he even gets dizzy combing his hair. Jo-Kin’s silly mum wears a fluffy dressing gown with bits of dog biscuits stuck to it and sings love songs to her dog. I added funny smells, and WHOOSH and KAPOW comic book sounds. Of course, Josh trips over - SPLAT- many times at a critical moment. Which character are you most like in the book and why? I’m most like Josh Atkins, the nerdy science kid. I too was the science geek at school and later as the science school co-ordinator, pale skinned and terrible at sport. Like Josh, I was determined to achieve my dream one day. You have created some fantastic gadgets and inventions in Jo-Kin Battles the It. Did any real life gadgets inventions inspire you? Which is your favourite gadget/invention in the book? Them all. Real life and fantasy gadgets inspired my own creations like:
Jo-Kin is on a great adventure. What is the best adventure you have been on Karen or you want to go on? I’ve explored most continents of the planet. I helicoptered over volcanoes, trekked over glaciers and I have gone helmet diving down into Tahiti’s pacific reef. I really love exploring new destinations at sunrise, inhaling life. I did this after I arrived in Bali, Fiji, Penang, Hong Kong, Paris and Rome. My dream now is to zoom into space aboard the Virgin Starship to explore the final frontier. Thanks Karen. It was great to have you zoom by on your blog tour for Jo-Kin Battles the It. If you enjoyed stopping here, continue visiting Karen on her blog tour and have a chance to win a prize. See below for how.
Jo-Kin Battles the It Blog Tour 19 Oct Dee White writingclassesforkids.com/writing-an-illustrated-novel-with-karen-tyrrell/ 20 Oct Di Bates diannedibates.blogspot.com.au/2015/10/jo-kin-battles-it.html REVIEW 21 Oct Alison Stegert ali-stegert.com/2015/10/21/blog-tour-jo-kin-battles-the-it/ How to Write KIDS Sci-Fi Jackie Hoskingjackiehoskingpio.wordpress.com/2015/10/21/jo-kin-battles-the-it-my-book-journey 22 Oct Georgie Donaghey www.creativekidstales.com.au/whats-new/tours-at-the-tales/1319-jo-kin-battles-the-it-karen-tyrrell 23 Oct Robyn Opie www.robynopie.blogspot.com.au/ Review 25 Oct Rebecca Sheraton www.rebeccasheraton.com/blog Imagine! 26 Oct Sandy Fussell www.sandyfussell.com How to Promote your Book 27 Oct Jill Smith authorjillsmith.wordpress.com/ Review Melissa Wray melissawray.blogspot.com.au 28 Oct June Perkins gumbootspearlz.org Interview 29 Oct Sally Odgers promotemeplease.blogspot.com.au Story behind Jo-Kin! 30 Oct Kate Foster www.katejfoster.com/blog How & Why Sci-Fi? Jo-Kin Battles the It Book Giveaway Win a signed copy of Jo-Kin Battles the It OR one of four eBooks of Jo-Kin Battles the It OR signed artwork from the illustrator, Trevor Salter. For a chance to WIN please like Karen’s Super Space Kids book series page on Facebook www.facebook.com/SuperSpaceKids and Please leave a comment on any of the above Blog stops 19-30 Oct. Winners announced in November. Good luck Where to buy Jo-Kin Battles the It Jo-Kin Battles the It is available direct from the author, from Amazon, LSI, Fishpond and book shops such as Riverbend in Brisbane, Dymocks: Penrith, Carindale, Garden City. Angus & Robertson: Victoria Point & Post Office Square, Mary Ryans Milton. MORE stores coming soon.